Chocolush - Chocolate Branding & Logo Design - Digital Banner Design Services in Los Angeles


Logo & Branding • CPG Packaging • Print & Digital Marketing

Chocolate Branding & Logo Design

Project Scope


To craft a unique identity for a new artisanal chocolate brand, blending whimsy with elegance to appeal to a discerning customer base. This chocolate branding and logo Design design will not only embody the rich tradition and meticulous craftsmanship of artisanal chocolate making but also present it through a fresh, imaginative lens. By leveraging the power of e-commerce, we aim to bridge the gap between traditional chocolate artistry and modern convenience, offering customers a seamless online shopping experience.


Branding and Logo Design, CPG Packaging Design, Print & Digital Marketing Collateral and Social Media Templates
Chocolush - Chocolate Branding & Logo Design Services in Los Angeles

Branding and Logo Design: Typography and Color Palette Selection

Brand inspired by the whimsicality of the chocolate brand's name and the elegance of it's high quality ingredients.

Brand Identity Guidelines:

Brand inspired by the whimsicality of the chocolate brand's name and the elegance of it's high quality makeup.
Chocolush - Chocolate Branding & Logo Design Services in Los Angeles

CPG Chocolate Packaging Design

Designed to showcase Chocolush's whimsical nature, the packaging features illustrative and colorful elements. Vibrant and contrasting colors were meticulously chosen to captivate and intrigue, reflecting the brand’s playful essence.

Digital & Print Marketing Designs

Digital banners, social media posts, and printed 'thank you' cards for packaging inserts.

Interested in a CPG Chocolate Brand of your own?

Click the link below to fill out a brief form and book a discovery call.


  • 1-2 Logo Concepts: Limited number of design concepts for the client to choose from.
  • 1 Round of Revisions: Allows for minor adjustments to the chosen concept.
  • Final Logo Files: Delivery of the final logo in standard formats (e.g., JPG, PNG).
  • Basic Usage Guidelines: A brief document explaining how to use the logo, including do’s and don’ts.
This package suits small businesses or startups with limited budgets needing a professional logo without the frills.


  • 3-5 Logo Concepts
  • Multiple Rounds of Revisions: More flexibility for making changes to the chosen concept.
  • Color Variations: Includes full-color, black, and white versions of the logo.
  • Basic Brand Guidelines: A more detailed guide including information on color palettes, font types, and how to use the logo across various media.
Ideal for established businesses looking to refresh their brand or new businesses wanting a solid foundation for their brand identity.


  • Multiple Logo Concepts: 5 or more design concepts.
  • Unlimited Revisions: Offers the client the flexibility to revise until fully satisfied.
  • Comprehensive Final Files: Wide range of file types, including vector files (SVG, AI) for scalability.
  • Full Color Variations: Full-color, black, white, and monochrome versions.
  • Extensive Brand Guidelines: Comprehensive document covering all aspects of brand usage, including secondary color palettes, typography, imagery, and application mock-ups.
  • Brand Touchpoints: Design adaptations for business cards, letterhead, and social media profiles.
Best suited for businesses looking for a thorough branding overhaul or startups wanting to establish a strong market presence from the beginning.

Logo Suite

  • Extensive Logo Concepts: A broad selection of initial concepts.
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Full Suite of Final Files: Every possible file format needed for print, digital, and other specific uses.
  • Comprehensive Brand and Style Guidelines: Detailed guidelines that cover every aspect of the brand’s visual and communicative style.
  • Brand Collateral Designs: Includes business cards, letterhead, envelopes, email signatures, social media kit, and other marketing materials.
  • Secondary Logos, Submarks, or Icons: Development of additional brand elements for versatile use across all platforms and media.
This package is aimed at larger organizations or those needing a full brand identity system that encompasses not just the logo but all aspects of the brand’s visual representation.
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